Christian Schafleitner


Liability for links

I carefully control the contents of external links; still I cannot take liability for their contents. Sole responsibility for the contents of linked pages is in the hands of their operators.


The contents of this website are protected by copyright. Contents and images are the property of Christian Schafleitner and may not be copied, reproduced, reprinted, put online, announced, passed on, distributed or sold without written permission of Christian Schafleitner. Information on this website is compiled to the best of our knowledge and has been checked for their correctness with great care. Still I cannot exclude factual and content mistakes. Christian Schafleitner cannot take any guarantees and can assume no liability for the correctness, topicality and completeness of the information provided. No responsibility is accepted for all information given. This is also valid for links to other URLs listed on my website.



Christian Schafleitner Hi, my name is Christian and I am from Steyr, Austria. In 2008 I graduated from the Master course "Digital Media" at the University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg, Austria. Currently I am working as a User Experience Developer at Microsoft Office Labs in Redmond, Washington (USA).




© 2008-2010 Christian Schafleitner